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The New Workout button is for manually entering a workout, it will bring up a screen to select the activity type, Run, Bike, etc. A new activity can be added be entering it in the text at the top of the screen and touching Save. Touch the activity or enter a new activity and then select the new activity field from the list. Then a new screen will be displayed with the data fields for the activity. Touch each field for which you would like to enter data. You will be prompted to either enter the data through the key board and another drop down list from which an entry can be selected. If the activity uses "Kilometers" for its measure, then weight will be assumed to be in kilograms for the calorie calculation When prompted with a drop down list you can add a new field by entering it in the text field at the top and touching Save and then select the new activity field from the list. When you are done entering the data press Save. The workout will be saved and you will return to the Home screen.




 If you want to time a workout, select the Timer button and you will have a Stop Watch screen to use to time the workout. When the workout is complete, touch Stop and then touch the Add Workout button and you will then be able to save the workout using the same screens as the New Workout button.  You can measure your activity by on the Stop Watch screen by selecting the useGPS checkbox. You will then be presented with a dashboard with elapsed time, distance, average speed and current speed.   You can access the other options throught the menu button.  Play Music will launch the Google Play Music app, if it's installed. With Settings you can change options for metric display, use pace rather than speed and an option to keep the screen on and for auto pause when not moving. For the paid app a setting to export daily gpx and kml files is available, seven copies will be saved on the sdcard corresponding to the day of the week where -1 is Sunday whenever an gps tracked activity is saved. Use Audio Settings, to turn on or off audio feedback for parameters such as distance and average speed.  Use Audio Frequency to set the audio feedback for different distances, or turn it off. Use GPS Settings to set the granularity of the GPS updates, most frequent is Very Fine and least is Coarse. Very fine will use more of the battery and coarse less.




The Week screen will display a summary of each week for the current year. Long touching a week will display a screen with the daily workouts for the week selected. Other weeks can be viewed by swiping the screen to the left and the right. The week screen has a summary of the weeks workout followed by each day of the week. The detail data for a day of the week can be viewed and changed by using a long touch on the day. If there is more than one workout for a day, another screen will be displayed to allow a particular work to be selected. If the day of the week does not have a workout, a new workout can be added by long touching the day. You can access the settings through the menu option. The settings can be used to customize the information that is displayed.


The Month button is to view workout information for a particular month or year. The first screen will display the current year and month. A new year or month can be select by using the Prev and Next buttons. There will also be the option to select Total for both year and month which will summarize the data for all months of the year or all months and all years. The year and month can also be changed by selecting the year or month buttons. Clicking on the summary will display the daily information for the month if the summary is for a month. It will display monthly totals if the summary if for the year (Total). Then touching on a month will display the daily information for that month. From the daily information list, a long touch will display the detail for that day which can be modified. A different month can be viewed by swiping to the left and the right. <p> You can access the settings through the menu option. The settings can be used to customize the information that is displayed.


 The Custom button is to view workout information for a particular start and end date, activity, type, location and search text for the comment field. Daily detail can be optionally displayed along with summary information for the period.  You can access the settings through the menu option. The settings can be used to customize the information that is displayed.


The Share button can be used on any of the reports to Post, Email or Twitter.





 The  Home screen is for entering the information about a new workout or viewing reports. There are two ways to enter data, either the New Workout button or the Timer Workout button. The Report button will display the reports pages with  Week , Month, Custom and Share buttons

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